Keith Schilling

Adjunct Professor

Research interests

  • Hydrology


Surface and groundwater interaction, land use/land cover change, watershed modeling, nutrient fate and transport, sediment erosion and transport, floodplain processes, ecohydrology, time-series analysis, biogeochemistry


Schilling, K.E., T.M. Isenhart, J.A. Palmer and C.F. Wolter. 2011. Variations in suspended sediment transport with land cover change in two agricultural watersheds.  Journal of the American Water Resources Association, DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00533.

Schilling, K.E. and P. Jacobson. 2009. Water uptake and nutrient concentrations under a floodplain oak savanna during a non-flood period, lower Cedar River, Iowa.  Hydrological Processes 23:3006-3016.

Schilling, K.E., M.K. Jha, Y.K. Zhang, P.W. Gassman, and C.F. Wolter.  2008.  Impact of land use and land cover change on the water balance of a large agricultural watershed: historical effects and future directions.  Water Resources Research 44,W00A09, doi:10.1029/2007WR006644.

Keith Schilling
Contact Information

340A Trowbridge Hall (TH)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States