E. Arthur Bettis III

Professor Emeritus

Research interests

  • Paleopedology
  • Quaternary Stratigraphy
  • Sedimentology


Reconstruction of past landscapes and environments using data gleaned from physical and geochemical studies of deposits and soils. I use these reconstructions in a variety of applications including documenting rates of dust flux during the last glacial period, understanding conditions controlling the peopling of southeast Asia by hominins, landscape-scale geoarchaeology, and restoration strategies for rivers and streams.


E.A. Bettis III, A.K. Millius, S.J. Carpenter, R. Larick, Y.  Zaim, Y. Rizal, R.L. Ciochon, S.A. Tassier-Surine, D. Murray, Suminto and S. Bronto.  2009.  Way out of Africa: Early Pleistocene paleoenvironments inhabited by Homo erectus in Sangiran, Java.  Journal of Human Evolution 56: 11-24.

D.R.Muhs, E.A. Bettis III, J.N. Alienikoff, J.P. McGeehin, J. Beann, G. Skipp, B.D. Marshall, H.M. Roberts, W.C.Johnson, and R. Benton.  2008.  Origin and paleoclimatic significance of late Quaternary loess in Nebraska: Evidence from stratigraphy, chronology, sedimentology and geochemistry.  Geological Society of America Bulletin 120:1378-1407.

Research areas
  • Hydrology and Geomorphology
  • Paleoenvironments
  • Sedimentary Geology
E. Arthur Bettis III
Contact Information

120D Trowbridge Hall (TH)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States