Protiti Roy

PhD Candidate


My name is Protiti and I am a PhD student at the Planetary Exploration Group in the department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Iowa.

I pursued my Bachelor’s degree with an Honours in Geology from University of Calcutta, India. I obtained my Master’s degree in Applied Geology from IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, India

I am mostly fascinated by Martian mineralogy. I do hyperspectral study of the minerals by analyzing CRISM data using ENVI with CAT and inspect the Martian surface using JMARS and HiRISE images. I am intrigued by how minerals can speak a lot about the igneous history coupled with several sedimentary processes in the past. This helps me to infer how Mars used to be in the past and even answer the water situation back then. Currently, I am focusing on hyperspectral study of minerals in high thermal inertia regions of Valles Marineris, Mars.

I love to spend my free time painting and sketching, reading story books and cooking!

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Protiti Roy
Contact Information

135A Trowbridge Hall (TH)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States