Ann Budd
Research Interests
- Invertebrate Paleontology
- Paleoenvironments
Systematics and evolutionary patterns in Cenozoic reef corals, paleoecology of reef, morphometrics.
Budd, A.F. and J.M. Pandolfi. 2004. Overlapping species boundaries and hybridization within the Montastraea “annularis” reef coral complex in the Pleistocene of the Bahama Islands. Paleobiology 30: 396-425.
Fukami, H., A.F. Budd, G. Paulay, A. Solé-Cava, C.A. Chen, K. Iwao, and N. Knowlton. 2004. Conventional Taxonomy Obscures Deep Divergence between Pacific and Atlantic Corals. Nature 427: 832-835.
Johnson, K. G., J. B. C. Jackson, and A. F. Budd, 2008. Caribbean reef development was independent of coral diversity over 28 million years. Science 319(5869): 1521-1523.