Bradley Cramer
Earth System Science, deep-time Earth history, stable and radiogenic isotope geochemistry, chemostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, stratigraphic nomenclature, history of geology, geochronology, and the Geologic Time Scale.
Effectively, I try to understand the major biotic, chemical, and physical events that punctuate the history of our planet by throwing every tool and proxy at the problem as is possible.
High-Resolution Event Stratigraphy (HiRES)
HiRES attempts to integrate all stratigraphic signals of past global biogeochemical events into a single chrono-stratigraphic framework to determine more precisely the exact order of events during intervals of global planetary change.
My current NSF CAREER grant focuses on developing Neogene-Scale resolution (i.e. <100 kyr) for global biogeochemical events that took place during the Wenlock Epoch of the Silurian Period (~430 Ma). This research involves the integration of biostratigraphy, stable and radiogenic isotope chemostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, major and trace-element geochemistry, and calibration of chronostratigraphy via radioisotope dating of zircons using CA-ID-TIMS.
- Geochemistry
- Paleoenvironments
- Paleontology
- Sedimentary Geology