Brian Hartman
Brian Hartman is the founder and Pricinpal Geologisit with Ridge Geoscience LLC, a geological consultancy in the mineral exploration and mining industry. He offers services in evaluation and estimation of mineral resources, due diligence reviews, and resource/reserve audits across a broad range of commodities and deposit types. Prior to his decade-long experience in consulting, Brian held various operational, technical, and managerial roles with Newmont and Hudbay Minerals, including Manager of Project Evaluation, where he oversaw evaluation of acquisition opportunities to develop the corporate pipeline.
Brian has been a guest lecturer and Adjunct Instructor at the Colorado School of Mines for a required upper-level course in mineral exploration design since 2018. He was also a technical consultant for a new Northern Manitoba Mining Academy, where he designed and outfitted new state of the art facilities that included a thin section lab, multi-purpose wet lab, and microscope facilities.
Brian earned a BS and MS in Geoscience from the University of Iowa in 2001 and 2004. He is a Professional Geoscientist (P.Geo.) with Professional Geoscientists Ontario and is a Registered Member with the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration. Brian resides in the Iowa City area with his wife and two children.