Emily Finzel
My research focuses on sedimentary processes in modern and ancient basins. One strand of my research involves deciphering the tectonic record contained within a stratigraphic section by integrating sedimentologic analyses, geologic mapping, detrital geochronology (U-Pb and Hf isotopes), mudstone geochemistry (rare earth elements), and heavy mineral and petrographic provenance analyses. Research areas have included forearc and backarc basins in south-central Alaska, the Cordilleran foreland basin in southwestern Montana, Paleozoic cratonic basins in the Midcontinent, the Miocene Apennine foreland basin in Italy, and the Cretaceous Neuquén basin in Argentina. More recently, I have started investigating geochemical proxies in marginal marine mudstones as proxies for environmental conditions.
- UI OVPR Innovation in Safety Award, 2022
- Collegiate Teaching Award, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Iowa, 2022
- UI OVPR Excellence in Safety Award, 2021
- Office of the Provost Investment in Strategic Priorities Award, 2021
- Paleoenvironments
- Sedimentary Geology
- Structure and Tectonics