He (Jackie) Feng Feng

Postdoctoral Research Scholar

I joined the University of Iowa as a Postdoctoral Researcher in September 2024 after earning my Ph.D. from the University of Maine in December 2023. My research focuses on rheology, structural geology, rock microstructures, and the chemical-mechanical processes associated with deformation. I approach questions using field observations chemical and microstructural microanalysis, and numerical modelling. I specialize in microanalytical techniques, including SEM (EDS, EBSD, & CL), EMPA, and LA-ICP-MS.

Research Interests:

  • How can we characterize the rheological behaviors of different regions of the lithosphere? 
    • How do strain localization and plate boundaries initiate and develop? 
    • How do chemical processes couple with mechanical deformation? 
    • How does microanalysis link to plate tectonics? 
    • How can we integrate diverse instruments and techniques for textural and chemical microanalysis of earth materials and establish innovative protocols? 
  • Current Work and Interests:
    • Developing high-resolution heavy mineral analysis using diverse analytical techniques;
    • Establishing laboratory protocols for heavy mineral characterization;
    • Linking deformed basement dynamics with heavy mineral and provenance analysis of sedimentary cover. 

Currently, I work with Dr. Emily Finzel, expanding my expertise in heavy mineral analysis and provenance studies, with a focus on integrating advanced analytical techniques to investigate sedimentary processes, chemistry and tectonic evolution.


Jackie Feng
Contact Information

3 Trowbridge Hall (TH)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States