Matthew Wortel

Thin Section Technician
Staff Liaison – EES Alumni Board

Office Hours: 
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.,  Monday - Friday (Closed during lunch)

Research Interests: 
Petrography, Igneous Geochemistry

Carve away the stone… It rained a lot the summer of 1993, flooding much of eastern Iowa. I washed into Iowa City that year, moving into my first “waterfront” apartment on badly-flooded Dubuque St. After several years of working, traveling, and generally enjoying life, I joined the University of Iowa as a student of geoscience. Midway through my undergraduate degree, I was offered my first job as a student geologist: hand-picking unaltered glass shards from finely-ground rock samples. Not exactly Indiana Jones, but the real surprise was how much I enjoyed the lab work. Nearly fourteen years and two degrees later and my love of geoscience lab work has grown into a full-time career. When I’m not around the lab, I enjoy hiking the Iowa countryside, camping, canoeing, photography, astrophotography, music, computers, RC cars, carpentry, demolition…

Matt Wortel
Contact Information

B13 Trowbridge Hall (TH)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States