Mike Burkhart
I was privileged to be a PhD student of Dick Baker, graduating in 1976. Our research involved interpreting changes in Late Pleistocene climate using pollen from lake sediments in the Big Horn Mountains. I retired in 2007 as a hydrogeologist and research leader with the National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment. Prior to that I lead the hydrologic studies section of the USGS here in Iowa City from 1979-93. While in Iowa City I was an Adjunct in the U Iowa Geology Department Where I was fortunate to work with several grad students. My research focused on water-quality responses in intensive agricultural landscapes. This included developing models to assess regional distribution of agricultural chemicals in water resources, particularly nitrogen dynamics in soil, water, and plant systems. During retirement I have consulted non-profit organizations and local governments on a variety of water-quality issues including leading the development of science-based nutrient criteria in lakes for the Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources. In previous lives I earned a BS in Math and Physics from U. Wisconsin-Madison in 1964: taught math and physics in Ghana with the Peace Corps: and served my time in Houston as a geophysicist and exploration geologist. Judy, my wife of 56 years, retired as a French teacher at West High, and we have two children; Chris, an economics professor at U Hawaii-Manoa, and Erin who manages a LUSH store in Madison. Our granddaughter is a freshman at Iowa, making her a third generation Hawkeye. In 2014, we made our third move to Iowa City where we enjoy the benefits of the University culture. Both of us try to give back to the community by participating in efforts that now include the Earth and Environmental Sciences Alumni Board.