Philip Heckel
Research Interests:
Sedimentary Geology
Interpretive stratigraphy, carbonate petrology, and general paleontology of sedimentary rocks, leading to synthesis of depositional environments, litho- and biostratigraphic framework, and paleogeography, with special emphasis on Pennsylvanian successions.
Heckel, P.H., 2008, Pennsylvanian cyclothems in Midcontinent North America as far-field effects of waxing and waning of Gondwana ice sheets: in Fielding, C.R., Frank, T.D., and Isbell, J.L., eds., Resolving the Late Paleozoic Ice Age in Time and Space: Geological Society of America Special Paper 441, p. 275-289.
Heckel, P.H., 2008, Carboniferous Period, p. 73-83, in Ogg, J.G., Ogg, G., and Gradstein, F.M., The Concise Geologic Time Scale: Cambridge University Press, 177 p.
Heckel, P.H., Alekseev, A.S., Barrick, J.E., Boardman, D.R., Goreva, N.V., Isakova, T.N., Nemyrovska, T.I., Ueno, K., Villa, E., and Work, D.M., 2008, Choice of conodont Idiognathodus simulator (sensu stricto) as the event marker for the base of the global Gzhelian Stage (Upper Pennsylvanian Series, Carboniferous System): Episodes, v. 31, p. 319-325.