Richard Denne
At EES Richard worked alongside George McCormick and had Robert Brenner as an advisor. Richard did a Senior Honors Thesis with Brian Witzke and Robert Brenner, who also served as his advisor. He also worked with Ann Budd and Keene Swett.
Richard Denne is the Director of the TCU Energy Institute and the founding chair holder of the Hunter Enis Chair in Petroleum Geology at Texas Christian University. Richard worked as a geologist in the oil and gas industry for over 25 years, working with integrated teams at Exxon and Marathon Oil and as a consultant in the exploration and production of hydrocarbons from deep-water basins across the globe, including the Gulf of Mexico, West Africa, Brazil, Trinidad, and the North Sea. He has also been heavily involved in unconventional shale plays, particularly the Haynesville and Eagle Ford of Texas. He has been at TCU since 2016, where his current research is focused on depositional systems of organic-rich rocks, especially those from the Cretaceous of Texas and the Eagle Ford / Woodbine systems in particular.
Richard is a graduate of the University of Iowa (B.S. Geology) and Louisiana State University (Ph.D. Geology), and serves on the executive committee of NAMS-SEPM and on the North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature.
Research Interests:
Petroleum geology, biostratigraphy and regional depositional systems