Robert Carmichael

Professor Emeritus

Research interests

  • Geophysics


Geophysical exploration for oil and gas, mineral deposits, and other resources, solid-earth and environmental geophysics, gravity, magnetics, and seismology, rock magnetism, engineering geophysics.


Carmichael, Robert. book Physical Properties of Rocks and Minerals, 756 pages, editor and author, CRC Press & Taylor and
Francis Publ./Florida (2019), reissued (hardcover and Kindle)

Carmichael, Robert. book Notable Natural Disasters, 2nd edition, 3 vols., 1200 pages, co-editor and author, Salem Press & GreyHouse Publ. (2017)

Carmichael, Robert. Use of satellite magnetic surveys to interpret deep crustal structure, cratonic paleomargins, and associated metallogenic province in the central U.S., Global Tecton. & Metall., v. 5, p. 31 (1995)

Robert Carmichael
Contact Information

115 Trowbridge Hall (TH)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States