Jonathan Adrain

Jonathan Adrain

Undergraduate Honors Coordinator
Jonathan Adrain in an invertebrate paleontologist who works on fossil trilobites and is interested in large scale biodiversity trends and global events, mass extinctions, taphonomy, biostratigraphy, trilobite phylogenetic structure and classification, and field-based discovery, alpha taxonomy, and systematics.
Christopher Brochu

Christopher Brochu

Christopher Brochu is a vertebrate paleontologist and systematist who applies phylogenetic methods to understand biodiversity. He's interested in the reciprocal light morphological, genomic, and fossil data can shed on the phylogeny, distribution, and diversity of groups throughout their evolutionary histories.
Shamar Chin

Shamar Chin

Assistant Professor
Shamar Chin is an assistant professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Iowa.
Brad Cramer

Bradley Cramer

Director of Undergraduate Studies
Bradley Cramer's research interests include Bio-Chemostratigraphy and Earth History.
Jeff Dorale

Jeffrey Dorale

Associate Professor
Jeffrey Dorale's interests include the use of isotopic and elemental tracers and chronometers to reconstruct past environmental conditions.
Emily Finzel

Emily Finzel

Emily Finzel’s research focuses on sedimentary processes in modern and ancient basins.
C. Tom Foster

C. Tom Foster

Tom Foster's research primarily focuses on high temperature reaction mechanisms and metamorphic petrology.
Bill McClelland

Bill McClelland

Bill McClelland's research areas include geochemistry and structure and tectonics.
Jessi Meyer

Jessica Meyer

Assistant Professor
As a field based, physical hydrogeologist, Dr. Meyer looks for creative ways to collect and interpret field data to provide insight into natural flow system conditions in heterogeneous geologic settings. She is particularly interested in understanding the relationship between the hydraulic and geologic structure of the subsurface.
Valerie Payré 

Valerie Payré

Valerie Payré's primary research interest is understanding the evolution of planetary bodies, with an emphasis on Mars, to better constrain the geological history of our own planet.
Professor David Peate

David Peate

David Peate is an igneous petrologist and geochemist. His research focuses on understanding how magmas are formed and how their compositions are modified during transport through the crust in different tectonic settings.
Ben Swanson

Benjamin Swanson

Benjamin Swanson primarily teaches undergraduate classes and helps conduct a variety of undergraduate environmental and ecological investigations at the Ashton Prairie Living Laboratory.
Kate Tierney Cramer

Kate Tierney Cramer

Associate Professor of Instruction
Faculty Liaison – EES Alumni Board
Frank Weirich

Frank Weirich

Associate Professor
Frank Weirich's research focuses on Hydrology and Geomorphology.